2019/01/23 08:58


Photo:クリスマスキャロルの舞台 Ⓒ Chatham Community Players

アメリカのサンタクロースは太っ腹? 〜日本人とアメリカ人の親を持つ家庭では…

by 大濱里美(おおはま・さとみ)



 「サンタが来たよ!!」 クリスマスは朝早くに起きた子供たちの歓声で起こされました。クリスマスツリーの下に置かれたプレゼントの山と、寝る前に暖炉のそばにサンタへのおやつとして用意したクッキーとミルクが空っぽになっているのを見つけて興奮する子供たち。プレゼントを次々と開けては喜ぶ様子は微笑ましいですが、このプレゼントの山は私と夫にとって、意見がぶつかる頭の痛い問題でもあるのです。


ⒸLinden Avenue School

 夫婦間で意見の相違があるとは言え、アメリカのクリスマスを知らずに育った私にとっては理解を超える深い意味合いがプレゼントにはあるようだと感じています。そのことに気づくきっかけとなったのは、夫が連れて行ってくれた小さな劇場で観たあるクリスマスの物語です。「クリスマスキャロル」という物語をご存知でしょうか? ケチで冷酷な大金持ちの老人が、ある体験を通して慈愛と寛容の心を学ぶストーリーです。私はこのお芝居を観て、クリスマスは(宗教上の、イエス・キリストの誕生を祝う日という以外に)豊かさ、寛容さ、与える心、家族への愛などを象徴する日なのだと理解することができました。そして、夫の寛大に与える行為や、この時期よく行われる寄付やチャリティー行事にもやっと納得がいったのです。


Is American Santa more generous?

“Santa came!!” I was awaken by our children’s joyous cry in the early Christmas morning. They were very excited to find the presents under the tree and the emptied plate and cup for Santa. It is great to see the happy children opening up the presents one after another; but the heaps of presents is an issue of conflict to my husband and me. My American husband wants to give abundantly while I feel uneasy about children getting used to receiving more and more and not having appreciation for each gift and the blessing.

I asked around some of my Japanese friends who are married to Americans how they handle the Christmas gifts. Some simply go with the American way of gift-giving and others have the same conflicting view towards the way it is. One of the families gives 20 gifts per child as the husband and his relatives overpowers with the abundance. Several families started having rules as the children grew so did the price tags. Our family created a budget this time – we agreed on $200 per child (7 and 3 year olds). Families with children who are in high school or older had budget of about $500 per child.

Although I have some reservation towards giving too many gifts to our children, I am also learning that there is deeper meaning to the Christmas gift-giving than I am aware of. Do you know “the Christmas Carol”? It is a story of an old miser who learns to be kind and generous through an otherworldly experience. My husband took our family to a local theatre to see the show just before the Christmas. When I saw it, I came to understand that the Christmas is not about the gift, it is about acts of kindness, love and generosity and abundance. I came to understand more about my husband’s gesture of generous giving as well as many charity events that take place during the season.

I who was born and raised in Japan am in the process of learning from a scratch about American culture and traditions with my children. With an attitude of understanding and respecting the culture of this country, I work with my husband to explore our values and thoughts. And together we are creating our own traditions for our family.



2013年に、イマゴメソッドのカップルワークショップに夫と参加、自分とお互いの深い内面とその夫婦関係への影響に気づく衝撃的な経験をして以来、創設者ハーヴィル・ヘンドリクスとヘレン・ハント夫妻やイマゴ講師に、イマゴメソッドを学ぶ。結婚10年目を迎え、妥協なく愛がある真のパートナーシップを目指して、夫婦関係の改善に取り組んでいる。ブログ『イマゴ的夫婦生活 IN アメリカ』も執筆中。
