2017/11/27 09:11
Photo:ワークショップ会場近くのプリンストンの町並み ⒸSatomi Ohama
by 大濱里美(おおはま・さとみ)
- Photo:講師のクラウスとエヴェリン夫婦
ⒸSatomi Ohama
6月と10月に、イマゴプロ向け進行役研修プログラム(Imago Professional Facilitator Program)に夫と一緒に参加してきました。このプログラムはイマゴメソッドを恋愛・夫婦関係以外の分野にも適用できるように理論とテクニックを学ぶもので、進行役とは、イマゴ対話を促すコーチのような役割です。全16日で4部制になっており、6月に行われた第1部は、イマゴメソッドを個人に対して使用し、個人の目標や心の奥にある感情やニーズなどに気づくことや、感情がどこから来るのか、その感情を理解することで、過去のしがらみから自己を解放することを助ける方法などについて学びました。10月の第2部は、対2人組(カップル、ペアなど)、第3部は対家族や3人以上のグループ、第4部は対企業などの組織に使用する場合へと続きます。
- Photo:休憩中に行った、プリンストンのアイスクリーム店 ⒸSatomi Ohama
プログラム期間中は、参加者間でペアを組んだり、またはグループ全体で、様々なスタイルのイマゴ対話を経験する機会がありました。イマゴの基本ルールである、批判や偏見のない(No Judgement, No Negativity) 安全な環境だったため、個人的な悩みや心の傷も吐露し、受けとめられることなどを通して、お互いの理解が深まり、深いところでの繋がりがグループ内で広がっていきました。
From the Imago Professional Training #1
The Imago method can be effective in many forms of relationships which seek for better connection and understanding including intimate partners, friends, family and organizations. The Imago Professional Facilitators Program fulfills the needs of professionals who wish to make use of the Imago theories and techniques in their fields. It is a 16-day program separated into 4 segments. My husband and I attended the first two installations. The first focused on Using Imago with Individuals; how to help an individual see one’s truth, understand one’s needs and emotions, where they come from and how to grow beyond the past. The second one was on Using Imago with couples and pairs. The final two segments will focus on Using Imago with Families and Groups and with Organizations.
The instructors, Klaus and Evelin Brehm, came from Vienna, Austria where they have been Imago therapists and instructors for 17 years. Together, they developed this Program based on the Imago theories. As a couple they too went through the struggles in their marriage and were saved by the Imago couples therapy. The calm presence of Klaus, the burst of smile and loving expressions from Evelin, and the sense of respect and deep love for each other created a warm, grounding and supportive environment for the group.
The participants had a wide range of professional backgrounds, including therapists, coaches, teachers, police officers, and yoga instructors. They all came to learn to create stronger and more productive relationships by using the Imago method in their fields. My goals in attending were: (1) by immersing myself to the Imago community, I wanted to get inspired and refresh my commitment to the Imago method and then to bring what I gain back onto my marriage and (2) I wanted to prepare myself for future couples workshops I envision running with my husband who is an Imago-certified therapist.
The training offered a plenty of opportunities to practice various styles of Imago Dialogue in pairs or as a group. Because it was a safe and supportive environment with No Judgement and Zero Negativity – which are core rules of the Imago Dialogue – people started sharing personal issues and psychological and emotional wounds they had carried with them. It led to the creation of a deeply connected group of people with a sense of hope, instilled through the Dialogue, in their own ways in professional and/or personal lives.
I made precious self-discoveries during a “Morning Circle”, where I shared my personal struggles with the group. By exploring deep within myself with guidance of the Imago Dialogue and putting thoughts, feeling and experiences into words, things that I had been aware and not aware of came together and formed some insightful ideas. It was such a significant experience that I got inspired and motivated to shift my thoughts and behavior in my personal relationships.